Monday, December 10, 2012

Globe Iphone 5 Reset Plan

I really got excited upon learning about Globe's Reset Program wherein existing postpaid subscribers has the option of upgrading to an Iphone 5 plan even if you still have a contract with them. From my understanding, there wouldn't be an early termination fee for your current postpaid plan but there would be a fee for the phone upgrade (so its almost like the same. hehe) but its better than paying an early termination fee plus the cost of the phone upgrade right? Nice offer specially for me who just got a Blackberry Unlisurf 999 plan last October and has been drooling for the new iPhone 5 since I've learned of it. Haha.. If I did it correctly (hopefully... lol...), it shows that I have to shelf out 16,300 pesos for me to get an iphone 5 if I upgrade my plan from 999 to 1799. How about you? Do you think its worth it? Be the judge. Check out globe's iphone 5 reset calculator at

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Facebook. Twitter. Instagram. A lot of people are addicted to these social apps and so am I. Social media made the world smaller. One day, I got bored with the applications on my iPhone so I browsed the Appstore to check for new app. I stumbled upon Burpple and downloaded it to my phone right away. Burpple is an application that lets you upload pictures of food that you eat or like and share it to other food lovers. This application also allows your followers to "reburp" or reupload the picture of your food on their own profile. Followers can also like your pictures by pressing the "heart" icon. I really like this application but one thing I didn't like was the color pink interface. I just wish I'll have an option to select the color of my profile. Anyway, as of this writing, it is only available to ios but hopefully it will be available to other platforms soon. I rate it 4 out of 5 stars. You may follow me on my burpple account @jgedrick. See you there.

Monday, August 6, 2012


Rainy days always makes me feel nostalgic. Those are the days that made me feel "I-hope-I-won't-wake-up-the-next-day" but then I realized that I won't be where I am now had I not been through that. I just laugh at those experiences now but there are days when everything flashes back which makes me wish I never went through that or I could've learned life's lessons in a different way but as they say, life is never easy. I'm still thankful coz I'm still standing tall after all.